Not all cracks are visible



This is one of my old poem from 2014. I am just re-blogging it for my new readers who missed out 🙂

She built her own tower
With her own hands
Laid the walls
Brick by brick and
Sand by sand
A concrete ground
That shall withstand
Any quake and storm
In a foreign land

But the walls are not perfect
Some surface has jagged edges
You can see some cracks
Along the pavement and
Some patches
Throughout the wall
With some decay

With hope and faith
She tried to redecorate
Masked some area
To be painted and
Sand it down

Eventually she got tired
Polishing every single thing
The chipped wooden floor
Was even left untouched
Some part of the ceiling
Is ready to collapse

She sighed and stared at the walls…
Then… the ceiling
Her eyes glistening with tears
Praying it won’t come apart
When it had enough
She thought
Fixing each blemishes and holes
In her tower
Is exhausting and draining
So she decided
To leave it how it is

No matter how hard she tries
No matter how many times
She patch those crevices on the walls
And sand the edges of each corner
Of her space
The cracks will still be there
It still exists
Only to be concealed by
Nice paints and wallpapers
Those cracks will never go away
It will always stay
Just biding its time
When it can resurface

All she does is watch her life
In front of her in the slowest
Possible pace and
Endure the blemishes
She sees every day
Just waiting and
Waiting for the day
The tower she built
Will come crumbling down
Beneath her feet

She just hope that
When it happens
She still have aspirations and
Dreams left in her
To build a new one

Ethel Beckett © 2014.Brisbane

Bottomless pit

You drown me with your affection
Cloaked me with your
Promises and
Enticed me with your tongue
You swear you’ll always be around
And you’ll always be there for me
But now it’s all in the past
And we’re both moving on

It’s never a competition
Who love less or more but
You said I always fuck up
And told me to shut up
Then you’re out the door
Without looking back
And never to return

All I asked is your love
Your understanding should be
But all we do is fight
It’s tiring and draining
I’m left with nothing
But drowning in a
Bottomless pit

Ethel Beckett © 2014.Brisbane